In late 2020 we published a strategy to develop social enterprise in Plymouth. We have reviewed progress over the last year. The full review can be found here.
Highlights include:
- Showcasing the best of Plymouth’s social enterprise community at the annual Social Enterprise City Festival
- Working with a range of education providers to raise awareness of social enterprise
- Delivering a European partnership project on work experience in partnership with City College and partners in Sweden, Italy and Romania – SIVSEN
- Exploring more opportunities for social enterprises in supply chains and through social value in public procurement
- Advocating for, and seeing the development and delivery of, a social enterprise start-up business advice programme – [START]Social
- Advocating for, and seeing the development and delivery of, a digital skills advice programme – Digital Boost
- Working with the Rank Foundation to secure new investment for the city’s social enterprises
- Contributing to national consultations on social investment, place-based regeneration, social investment tax relief and regionally on investment
- Seeing our social enterprise community lead the way around adopting a charter for greener, fairer business in the city.
- Leading Plymouth’s Inclusive Growth work and seeing this embedded in the top level economic priorities for the city
- Co-operating and collaborating in solidarity with local and national social enterprise networks and social enterprise places across the UK