Discover the Heart of Social Enterprise
Join us at the 15th Social Enterprise City Festival - Power & Democracy
Experience twelve days of celebration, innovation, community, and collaboration in the vibrant city of Plymouth. From November 14th to 25th, immerse yourself in a diverse array of events showcasing the power of social enterprise. Our theme this year is ‘Power & Democracy’. With events looking at how to get your voice heard in Parliament, social enterprise and politics, how to advance community assets and much more. We’ll be thinking about the current socio-economic-political climate and ask: “How do social enterprises respond to this?”
Scroll down for the full listings and click here for the festival leaflet: Plymouth Social Enterprise City Festival 2024
Brought to you by members of Plymouth Social Enterprise Network
Many thanks to our sponsors and supporters this year:
Plymouth Energy Community aims to create a fair, affordable, zero carbon energy system with local people at its heart. PEC is a charity and a social enterprise with a cooperative ethos, run for the benefit of local people to save money, energy and increase local renewable energy generation.
Iridescent Ideas CIC has a vision of a greener, fairer, more socially enterprising world. They provide a range of business advice services to support social enterprises to start, grow and thrive.
Festival Event Schedule

SHE Plymouth Showcase
This event highlights the amazing women Iridescent Ideas has been working with over the last 18 months. The SHE Showcase will be held upstairs at Moment’s Café, kicking off with a fabulous launch event on 14th November from 5.30pm. It will continue 10am – 4pm on Friday and Saturday with a range of market stalls, workshops, demonstrations and activities, advice clinics, and more. Come and say hello, start your Christmas shopping, and celebrate this supportive, empowering and ever-increasing community of women in Plymouth.
Thursday 14th to Saturday 16th November
17:30 Thursday 14th; 10:00-16:00 Friday and Saturday

Take Matters Into Your Own Hands
PSEN is running an event looking at what are social enterprises, community businesses and co-operatives and why we do it. Showcasing great examples of social enterprise activity in the city, we’ll look at how you could set up your own social enterprise to tackle issues you are passionate about in your community.
Contact Amerie Rose for more info:Â
Monday 18th November 2024

Home Retrofit Advice Drop-in
Keen to reduce your energy bills, discover smart and sustainable choices, and have a cosy home? Come and ask PEC’s friendly Future Fit advisors about how you can get started on a retrofit journey to improve your home at this free drop-in advice session. PEC’s expert advisors can help you navigate your options. From heat pumps, to solar panels and insulation they can advise.
Monday 18th November 2024

Afternoon clinic: Setting up a Social Enterprise
The afternoon will see business advisers and others available to deliver advice and support to people thinking of setting up social enterprises, community businesses or co-ops. Advisers from the SEAS and SHE Project and PSEN will be on hand to give you free advice.
Contact Amerie Rose for more info:Â
Monday 18th November 2024

Prove it! Delivering Social Impact
POPideas and SEAS deliver a workshop on all things social impact: managing, measuring, reporting and campaigning about the difference your organization makes. Inspire your team, win funding and make the world a better place.
Tuesday 19th November

SHE Lead Summit 2024
The She Lead Summit is an empowering one-day event open to every woman who is ready to take control of her future and become the best version of herself. This summit is designed to inspire, connect and uplift women from all walks of life – whether you are a professional, an entrepreneur, or simply someone looking to gain confidence and direction in your personal and professional journey.
Wednesday 20th November

SEAS Drop In Session
The SEAS Programme is a brilliant partnership delivering free social enterprise, community business and co-operative business advice. Whether you are an establish business or just thinking about it we can help. The programme has a range of skilled advisers with different expertise to help on pretty much any topic. Drop-in any time to have a chat to the team
Wednesday 20th November

Social Enterprise Quiz Night
The quiz is back. A battle of knowledge and wits to win the most desirable and fabulous trophy in the social enterprise city. Bring your own food and drink. Proceeds go towards a prize and to support dementia related work of Memory Matters CIC. Let brainiac battle commence!
Wednesday 20th November

Get your voice heard in Parliament
POP is delivering a new workshop exploring how you can engage with Parliament to make your voice heard and influence change on the issues most important to your group or organisation.
Thursday 21st November

Community Power: Social enterprise and democracy in a time of division
At this online session on world Social Enterprise Day we’ll look at what we mean by democracy and power. The structures, cultures, money, politics, economics and more. We’ll discuss how social enterprises, co-ops and community businesses can create different forms of power in their places and what more needs to be done to make the world greener, fairer and more socially enterprising.
Thursday 21st November

Understanding Perfectionism
Plymouth Mental Health Recovery and Empowerment Group and Agnieska Zajac are hosting a workshop exploring how letting go of perfectionism can improve your mental health.
Friday 22nd November

Club Kombat Fitness Sessions
Join Nadia and Club Kombat for her women’s only fitness sessions. All fitness levels and abilities are supported at these events aimed at burning calories, building confidence and celebrating your body.
Through the week

All About Community Assets
Join this panel debate and session exploring what can be done to advance the use of community assets in the city. Buildings can bring income, sustainability, power and control but also potential risks and liabilities. The national government announced new community ‘right to buy’ powers in the King’s Speech but what is being done to deliver this in Plymouth? Find out more at this great discussion with Nudge Community Builders and others involved in developing work around community assets in the city.
Friday 22nd November

Mind, body and soul wellness day
Pillars of Wellness and Wellbeing CIC is delivering a wellness day. Join in for a day of rejuvenation, self-care and connection. The mind, body and soul day includes yoga, breathwork, Qigong, sound and meditation. Give yourself the space and love your body needs!
Sunday 24th November
From £20

Leaving your limitations
Mindsmith Thinking launch event. Join a community discovering unique and credible adaptive strategies that result in elevated, goal-related thinking and behaviour.
Sunday 24th November
Join the Social Enterprise Movement
Be a part of the 15th Social Enterprise City Festival! Discover inspiring workshops, engaging talks, and networking opportunities with like-minded individuals. Join PSEN today and help us celebrate the power of community-driven change. Together, we can make a difference!