Social Economy Experts


How it Works

  • PSEN is recruiting pool of exerts that members request 1-2-1 advice for, funded by PSEN (subject to terms).
  • On an ad hoc basis, as an expert, you may be contacted to provide 1 hour of 1-2-1 support to a PSEN member. We will put you in touch with the member and you can arrange a time to meet or talk on the phone at your mutual convenience. We will ask you to fill in a sheet with the time and dates of this meeting.
  • After providing the support, send us the sheet and invoice us for £40/hour (inc VAT) for your time.
  • Please note: we will ask the member to share some of their top takeaways from the conversation so that this can be made openly available and help upskill the network as a whole (no sensitive information is included).



  • What sort of expertise is needed/relevant?

Businesses in the social economy come against similar questions and challenges on a regular basis. If you’re somebody who had interesting and useful insights, experiences and knowledge that can be shared across the sector (you’ve probably been asked by people to share them before, so think about what people often ask you for) then join the pool!

  • Is it paid?

Yes. We have an initial budget to fund 25 1-2-1s and the rate for this is set at £40/hour (inc VAT). We think that it’s important to highlight expertise across the membership, with or without the funds, but we know that funds can be important to relieve the pressure on people with valuable knowledge to share.

1-2-1s should be invoiced after the meeting has taken place and will be paid within 2 weeks.

Our aim is to develop further budget so that we can continue to fund this work beyond the pilot.

  • How many requests should I expect?

We don’t know when you might be called upon for a 1-2-1 meeting – it all depends on demand from other members. Initially we have funds for 25 1-2-1 meetings over 6 months so it won’t be large numbers.

  • Where will the meetings take place?

If you are asked to deliver a 1-2-1 meeting you should arrange this according to what is convenient for both of you. You can turn a meeting down if you wish to. Note that PSEN doesn’t have travel and/or refreshment budget for this so if you prefer a phone or video conversation then don’t hesitate to propose this to the person who you are meeting.

  • How long will the meetings last?

We have allocated budget for 1 hour per member so the meetings should be 1 hour in length. We recognise that longer would be preferred but as we only have an initial limited pool of funds, we’d like to distribute this out to as many members as possible. After the pilot we might look to extend this period.

  • Who can I go to for questions and suggestions?

If you have further questions or suggestions please get in touch with Annette Dhami – PSEN Board Member on

Plymouth Social Enterprise Network